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Old Sun Mar 06, 2011, 08:19am
rcaverly rcaverly is offline
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Originally Posted by JFlores View Post
Probably elementary but when the bullpen is in dead ball territory, pitcher is warming up, the protector (player standing behind pitcher or catcher as their back is to playing field) must wear a helmet correct??
The requirement at 3-3-4 for a team member with a glove to protect those loosening up in an area not protected by a fence or other structure applies if the area is “within the confines of the field.”

Originally Posted by MrUmpire View Post
When that was added. most state interpreters said that it basically covered any non-playing player or non-adult non-player required to be in live ball territory, specifically those protecting a battery warming up.
MrUmpire, was Ohio’s state interpreter one of those?

Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
Except that it doesn't, since a protector is specifically covered in 3-3-4. I don't consider a protector a ball shagger. To me, there is a difference.

Your state's rules may vary. In my games if there wear a helmet, fine. If not, fine.
Until I hear different from Ohio’s state interpreter, I’m with Rich. A ball shagger is one who chases after a loose and dead ball. A protector is a team member who pays attention to the action in live ball territory and defends himself and his teammates, who are loosening up within the confines of the playing field and not likely paying attention to the action in live ball territory. He uses his attention and his glove, not his helmet, to protect himself and his teammates. If he wears a helmet, fine: if not; fine.

By the way, YMMV.
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