Thread: Hand checking
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Old Thu Mar 03, 2011, 02:09pm
Mark Padgett Mark Padgett is offline
certified Hot Mom tester
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A few centuries ago, when I was in HS, we played basketball in PE class. One of the kids said he was going to start putting his hand on the player he was defending all the time because he saw it happen on the NBA (since this was during the Cousy/Russell era, it was still the NBA, not the NBE) games on television. He started doing it and only stopped when another kid told him that if he did it to him, he'd knock his teeth down his throat. At my HS, that was not a joke. He stopped immediately.

A veteran official once told me to look at hand checking like coming to a Yield sign when entering onto the highway. If you affect either the speed or the direction of the oncoming traffic, you haven't yielded and you are illegal. If you don't affect either their speed or their direction when you enter, you are legal.
Yom HaShoah
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