Chuckle chuckle
Bob are you saying you would not have issued a T in this situation because the book was correct when it was checked by the officials?
Despite the score keeper admitting that she changed the book before the game started? And likely failed to notify the visiting scorekeep so she wouldn't get caught in her cheat?
It is a rather humerous situation: Mother of the player whose number needed to be changed, wife of a referee, with full conscience illegally changing the scorebook, and arguing that the referees were out of line charging a T for her blatant, conflict of interest, screw-up. And an ex-AD adding to the confusion; Juulie couldn't have invited in a few other parents for the half-time whining session?
Hopefully this wasn't your varsity experience.
"There are no superstar calls. We don't root for certain teams. We don't cheat. But sometimes we just miss calls." - Joe Crawford