Originally Posted by AllPurposeGamer
I would buy the shot clock resetting error issue except we already have states that use the shot clock.
Yup, and I would guesstimate that I have at 1 shot clock error every other game. Either an incorrect reset or failure to reset (not just starting incorrectly, which happens all the time, even in college games).
Originally Posted by bainsey
Someone else pointed out that fundamentals have taken such a whack at the high school level, that a shot clock will only create more sloppy play.
Around here, basketball skill levels are at a really low point. I can't say for sure that it's because of the shot clock. It might just be because kids have so many other things to occupy their time that they don't spend the time to practice those skills. But I do see too many teams who try to play an "up tempo" game, but utterly lack the skills to do it and it makes for ugly, ugly basketball.