Originally Posted by Remington
Ok, here is where I have always had an issue. Someone please tell me if I am wrong. I read the rule as:
3-2-1 "At least 10 minutes before the scheduled starting time, each team shall supply the official scorer with the name and number of each team member and designate the five starting players. Failure to comply results in a technical foul (see 10-1-1 Penalty)."
Many times the official scorer has been supplied with the correct information prior to the 10 minute mark and when I go to check the book it is incomplete or has an error. I will then check the teams own book or other source that was supplied to see if that information is correct. Am I wrong in doing this?
The rule says that the information must be supplied, not put in the book before 10 minutes. So if you know a mistake has been made in the copying of the information, of course you should not penalize the team if the scorekeeper cannot copy correctly.