Originally Posted by ThatOneRef
There are NO 3 man crews in Oregon at the time, all high school games are 2 man crews, j.v. as well as varsity. A 2 man crew is just fine for ANY basketball game, yes a 3 man crew is easier (for you old men out there) but 2 is just as good, you can see everything just fine (unless you wear old man glasses), and the game will go just as fast as a 3 man crew.
Having moved from Oregon to Texas recently, this is very twisted logic from someone who clearly has only ever worked in the 2-man system, and likely not at a very high level. Certainly 2-man is just fine for the middle school games this person likely works. I didn't know what the big deal was about 3-man until I moved to Texas and started using 3-man mechanics. I was really shocked at just how much better it is. If you are in a place that only uses 2-man and you're not a college official, you wouldn't know how much better 3-man is.
In addition, the quality of basketball is remarkably better here in Texas than it is in Oregon - certainly on the men's side. Using 2-man for the state ranked programs would be a mess. They are simply too fast and too skilled to be able to call a quality game with 2-man. I'm sure that's also the case in most major metro areas in the country.