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Old Sun Feb 06, 2011, 06:31pm
Judtech Judtech is offline
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Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
It's fine if he wants to keep his association's bargain -- that's a personal choice. What's slimy is that their association doesn't even hesitate in keeping OTHER association's bargains even though they have no reason to do so.
I will agree with you that is a point that can be debated. And to be honest I am about 50-50 on it. Do you fill in when others fail to do what they are contracted to do? Or do you just let both parties sink or swim? I can see both sides of that argument. 1) We will fill in for the "good of the game" or 2) I am only doing what I am contractually obligated to do and no more. IMO, either way is fine b/c the rubber doesn't hit the road until the new contract and/or the next season.
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