Originally posted by mick
... Very touching. I wasnt among those who sang as I hear that song five or six times a week and am sick of it. But I clapped the parent on the back and commended him for helping that poor girl who forgot the words.
I am sorry if this seems to be aggressive, but I had to react to your comment.
I hear the national anthem daily, in my classroom. It is one of the most beautiful songs I know.
At times like these, only months since Sept 11, the shuttle tragedy, and the escalating tensions around the world, I find myself appreciating every note of that symbolic song even more.
I reflect back to the first time I heard the national anthem played after I donned my BDU's as a basic recruit in the Army. I guarantee the song took on a whole new meaning and representation for me. It is amazing what that tune means to me now. Needless to say, I will not tire listening to it and would encourage others to truly consider what a priviledge it is to hear "Oh say can you see, .... home of the free and land of the brave."