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Old Thu Feb 03, 2011, 08:26am
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
Just a few questions I have for all those who are criticizing the officials who are continuing to work or are looking to pick up extra work when others turn it back....

Who here gets bids from 3-5 mechanics/plumbers/contractors/painters who have similar reputations for quality of work and takes one of the most expensive bids on the grounds that the lowest priced mechanic is undermining the other 2?

Who, when such a mechanic/plumber/contractor/painter estimates a price for a job but when they get closer to the job and realizes they want to charge more will move to a different vendor that will do it for the old price?

Who shops for a car, drives the car, takes up an hour or two of the salesman's time then buys the car elsewhere because they can get it cheaper but have to wait a week or two for it?

Who spends time in a store shopping for something, using the salesperson to help you decide and then buys it on the internet?

All that said, I do think they're grossly underpaid and should work to get their pay raised but they need to get everyone on board instead of a few localized protests. If there are 10 of 14 organizations that are "satisfied" with they pay as it seems to be, they'll not get far.
Well done, you just defended the schools down there. My problem is with the officials, though.
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