Thread: Vocal Coach
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Old Mon Feb 03, 2003, 04:15pm
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Originally posted by fletch_irwin_m
I agree, while 90% of the time the person who commits a fould is obvious, but what about the 10%? Had a situation over the weekend that is not uncommon. B1 comes down with the rebound. A1 and A2 reach in to steal the ball. As he pivots I see a hand from A1 and a hand from A2 grabbing the wrists of B1. Who do you call the foul on? This type of play is not uncommon. The ball is on the ground and people are slapping and holding, or two players go up to block a shot and they both make contact with the shooter. What I am saying, is that in these instances, when there is NO CLEAR CUT INITIAL FOUL, why should you call it on the "star" player? If it is clear cut then you HAVE to call it, but what about that grey area?
IMO, you're better off flipping a coin. Star treatment is unbecoming an unbiased official, it IMO. Or better yet, a multiple foul. 4-19-10 NFHS

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