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Old Tue Feb 01, 2011, 08:04pm
chseagle chseagle is offline
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Originally Posted by grunewar View Post
Eagle - thanks for your insights. But, I was trying to get some info from the person that was actually there.

It was kind of a rhetorical question.

This appears to happen on an endline near an exit, which is where our security personnel usually stand.

While I don't currently perform basketbal security or work as a member of a table crew, I am a former military policeman and kinda understand these situations. I was just curious about this incident to see if the poster could actually shed some light on it - all else is speculation.

Fan on fan in the stands is one thing. Fan on Security? Wow!

I've done security/crowd control for Formula 1 racing, rock concerts, family shows/events, WWE House shows, Rap concerts, Minor-league hockey, Country Concerts, Arena Football games, College football & basketball games, high school football & basketball games.

In general security/crowd control situations, the right to use lethal force is not authorized compared to being an MP.
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