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Old Tue Feb 01, 2011, 01:32pm
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by VaTerp View Post
I know things can happen very quickly on the court and things are always much easier in hindsight or commenting on a message board.

But I think you made a mistake in giving the coach ANY explanation when he is that far out of the box. When I see the coach "running" down to the endline I'm giving him a two hand stop sign and telling him to get back in the box. Depending on how quickly it happens, I will say something like, "Coach, I'll give you an explanantion but you need to be in the box."

And there is no justification for him grabbing your arm, no matter how gently he does it. And especially when he is that far out of his box. A coach even thinking they can run onto the court and question a call in this manner is unacceptable.

I would have run him and not thought twice about it.
I'd go a step further. I'd T him immediately -- even before he reached me if I was quick enough to get the whistle up to my mouth. After that, I won't say anything to him until the coach is on the bench.

"We're not discussing anything until you're on the bench."

I'd be hard-pressed to keep him in the game if he grabbed my arm.
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