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Old Tue Feb 01, 2011, 12:20pm
zm1283 zm1283 is offline
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Originally Posted by Caesar's Ghost View Post
Two more questions:

2. R2, R3, two outs. The pitcher bobbles a come-backer and seeing that he has no play at 1B, throws to F5 who tags out R2. However, R2 was obstructed by F6 on his way to third. The BR rounds first base too wide and F5 throws behind the BR and the BR is called out.

a.The ball is "dead" on the obstruction of R2 by F6. Score R3, award R2 third and award BR second if he had touched first before the obstruction of R2.
b.R2 is out for the third out. The other action occurred after the side had been retired.
c.Inning is over, the out stands for the third out.
d.If R3 has not touched home when the BR is called out, the run would not count.
It looks like C and D to me. I've got Type B (Or "2") OBS on F6. The ball stays live and the BR is liable to be put out. He is the third out. If he is tagged before R3 touches home, the run would not count. Am I missing something here?

3. The pitch clock is paused for any of the following reasons,

a.A fielder is delayed in returning to his position after attempting to field a foul ball.
b.The batter is delayed in returning to the dirt area around home plate following his running out of a foul ball.
c.The pitcher is delayed in returning to the dirt circle because he was backing up a play.
d.The pitcher disengages the pitching rubber.
From my reading, the pitch clock could be paused in A, B, and C.
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