Thread: Rule 6-4
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Old Sat Jan 29, 2011, 02:50pm
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by iaref View Post
We did look at the rule book after our game and were a bit confused by the rule, in that it states, "The throw-in ends when the ball TOUCHES or is legally touched by another player inbounds." In theory it TOUCHED a player inbounds. That is where the confusion came from. Thanks again for the replies!!
The difference between "ball touches" and "is legally touched" has to do with which one is the active party.

Example: A player is touched by the ball when it bounces off their back when they don't see it coming...or bounces off their leg/foot but it is not a kick.

A player touches the ball when they intentionally make contact with the ball.
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