I believe that camps should be chosen based on what one is trying to get out of the camp. Early in your career, I believe it is good to go to instructional camps. I believe that the best place to get instruction is college tryout camps that offer instruction. Learning from the best teachers is the best way to learn. I also am a firm believer in attending camps often--yearly if possible. If you do this you will notice that the clinicians will give you different things to work on each year. Listen and practice for the next season. Going to these camps is an excellent environment for learning. You will also be seen and evaluated as a potential hiree for the conference or assignor who puts on the camp.
If you have desires to do women's games (or men's games for that matter) go to camps that work on these games only. Like it or not, the women's and men's games are different. The officiating and emphasis is different. Learn to referee the game that you like.
Get it right!
1999 (2x), 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019