Thread: Mis Q
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Old Fri Jan 28, 2011, 12:07am
APG APG is offline
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Originally Posted by johnsonboys03 View Post
Yes I do the same. But this time with me pointing and then him pointing the other direction led me to think I did something wrong. I think by what I'm gathering is I could have been vocal on top of the point to offer him the help. It just looks bad when officials point in two different directions. Hmmm maybe I just hesitated on my help a split second to long and he just guessed a direction while I was pointing???
It didn't sound like you did anything wrong except maybe not being more vocal with the color. Still your partner was more in the "wrong."

The calling official asks for help on this play, we're going with his call or AP if he's not sure. Period. That's guessing on his part at this point. You're right that it looks bad if he points opposite of you after he asked you for help.
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