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Old Wed Jan 26, 2011, 12:20pm
Judtech Judtech is offline
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Jurrasic Ref - Sorry you feel that way. I think I clearly stated what I did wrong and apologized for it.
"The worst example of a person trying to coach" is a bit hyperbolic, and while petty and personal attacks are something you default to, in this case I take exception. You have no idea what we do in practice. While I am not proud about the way I acted the other nite, I am VERY proud with what we have accomplished in the lives of the girls we have been fortunate enough to coach. As I told the girls yesterday in practice "saturday was a great example of someone BEING right, but not acting right. There is an intrinsic value in knowing you are correct, and sometimes it is best to keep that satisfaction to yourself."

IMO, it would be a great opportunity for you to share how you handle coaches turning in video about officials. As I said, I am not trying to be a smart ***, but it is a call that a lot of officials dread "Just got film from your game at XXX, so what exactly happened". Since you are a supervisor, it might be helpful to others to know what process and steps are taking before making that call.

But you were spot on. I am not one of "US". I try not to look at the world as "US" vs "THEM". (In full disclosure I am not one of "THEM" either). I love the game of basketball. I loved playing it, I love watching it at every level, I love officiating it and I love coaching it. The game has given me a lot, a college scholarship, a pay check, see the world, meet my wife, learn about myself and positively affect those around me. I do not fit that neatly into a label. There are not very many officials who also coach. There are not many coaches who coach with their spouse. Not sure what "label" that fits me with, but Crazy and Certifiable are two that come to mind! Or to get "touchy feely" I am just me!
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