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Old Wed Jan 26, 2011, 09:04am
chartrusepengui chartrusepengui is offline
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Posts: 825
Another Injury stoppage scenario

Last night GV. Team B splits starters w/bench players and are rotating squads every 4 minutes or so. One group has 3 players: 6'3", 6'1", 6' that just tower middle. A1 shoots and B1 gets ball. B1 holds ball with arms straight up and pivots. She lowers arm to begin dribble. As she does this A1 dives in towards her and bangs into B1 shoulder and backs off like she hit hot stove.

B1 pushes ball and passes on FB. After pass, A1 walks over to her bench area and covers face with hands. I can see no blood. Hands covering face. B continues on FB and B2 goes in for lay-up. It's missed but the 3 towers (remember the towers) are taking turns tapping the ball back the basket. A1 still holding face and coach IRATE! He wants me to stop play. I don't see that A1 is hurt all that badly. Still no blood. Partner and I let play continue until finally A3 taps ball in. Throughout this time the ball was never grasped by anyone after the initial lay-up attempt. After bucket, we whistle for injury. Partner goes down to deal with coach as we have had a history.

A1's lip was cut on braces. No blood on uniform, no blood on floor - just inside her lip. Coach threatening to sue, yada, yada, yada. We start clock to replace and game goes on. BTW, at this point in game A is down 43 - 15. A couple other varsity refs in crowd were talking with us after the game and said while they believed we handled it according to Hoyle - perhaps we could have whistled the injury after the initial missed lay-up due to the score. Partner and I disagreed as no one ever had control of ball. What say you to this scenario and other refs thoughts?
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