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Old Tue Jan 25, 2011, 04:27pm
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
It should be mentioned (shouldn't it?) that this one where the case book adds totally another dimension to the rule. The illegal dribble violation in the rule book is for only ending a dribble and starting another. 4.15.4 D as noted above states it is a violation for the ball being touched twice by A1's hand(s) during a dribble. Yet touching it twice does not end the dribble. So why is this a violation? This being said, I have always called/seen it called for two touches, regardless of the direction. In other words, a bat over the head (upward) is not necessary. What I see most often is the ball slapped horizontally from one hand to the other, then pushed to the floor.
The violation is stated in 4-15-2, "a player may bat the ball into the air" provided he does not touch it twice with his hands before it hits the floor. This is the only place I know of where the prohibition is spelled out.
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