Originally Posted by Mark T. DeNucci, Sr.
2) NFHS Mechanics state that the calling official should stay Table Side in this scenario. But that does not prevent the officials from switching if it is a good idea to keep the calling official away from the coaches of a particular team. Having said that, I think that it was a stupid mechanic adopted by Mary Struckhoff because she thinks that high school basketball is the same as NCAA Division I and WNBA basketball where the Head Coaches are familiar with the officials that officiate their games and can be expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner 99.999% of the time; this cannot be said for the vast majority of Jr. H.S and H.S. Head Coaches.
I have to disagree on this point. When the change first came down, I and many others in my association were not happy about it at all. However after two seasons working with this mechanic, I have found that MOST coaches are much more willing to have a reasonable conversation with officials when we are table side than opposite table. There are always a few bad apples out there, but for the most part I feel that the change has been positive. Although maybe that has more to do with us being laid back Californians than anything else