Originally Posted by Dbyb
After the game has started, home book tells the official (me) that there are two number 22s in the book for the visiting team. Visitors book looks the same. I ask to see the line up that the visiting coach submitted. The line up correctly states the team numbers 22 and 23. The visiting book says that she miscopied the lineup and mistakenly put two number 22s in the book. In other words the coach's line up was correct and the visiting book miscopied it. The home book carried the error through when it copied the visiting book. I did not assess a tech because the coach's line up that she submitted was correct. Was I correct in not assessing the tech?
Yes, you were. The coach fulfilled his/her obligation.
The table crew is part of the officiating crew. You don't penalize a team because a scorer made a mistake.
Did the referee not check the book prior to the game? I guess not or he would have caught this.