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Old Fri Jan 21, 2011, 01:53pm
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Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
That's the crux of our disagreement.

The fact My opinion is, like it or not, much of what we do has a ripple effect, intended or not. If we come off as unsportsmanlike, it just plain doesn't look good.
Fixed it for you.
Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
JRut nails it. People will draw conclusions, sometimes just to suit them. However, nearly everyone will infer that something is wrong if an official has an aversion to handshakes. That's not hyperbole, nor hysteria (talk about overstatements). That's reality, and it's far from meaningless.
My overstatement was inentional (thus making it hyperbole); but I admit it was an overstatement. You're drawing way too much.

I don't think even Rookie Dude would walk away from a player trying to shake hands or fist bump. Here's your post to which I took exception:

Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
I disagree strongly.
Fair enough. That's what we do around here.
Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
Dissuading sportsmanship is not the way to go.
Generic and unobjectionable opinion.
Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
If the players want to take a few extra seconds and shake/bump our hands, enjoy the respect. I'll even notify the coach of a "best handshake award" (firm, eye contact).
I really hope you're kidding here, so I'll refrain from saying it's stupid. If you're not, and you get laughs with it, well, there's not much more for me to say.

Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
When the teams stress respect for us, it can only make thing better.
Here I disagree. Telling their kids to shake our hands only reinforces a pleasantry; that's it. The best way a coach can stress respect for the officials is to display it during the game; not insist on a meaningless formality before the game.

Originally Posted by bainsey View Post
To even suggest that you don't want handshakes only makes us more distant and unapproachable.
This is hyperbole (it's what I was referring to before); unless you really think RD is going to damage player/official relations by his anonymous statements on an officiating board. In that case, I can't help you.
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