Originally posted by Ralph Stubenthal
I think 1 more situation should be mentioned. A1 is dribbling in backcourt towards frontcourt. We all know that to gain frontcourt status he must cross the line with both feet and the ball. But, what if he is stopped by a guard at the division line? If his pivot foot remains in backcourt, he can touch frontcourt and then go back to backcourt with his non-pivot foot without penalty. But, if his pivot foot is in frontcourt and his non-pivot foot is in backcourt, once the non-pivot foot goes to frontcourt it must remain there because if the non-pivot foot returns to backcourt---violation. Does everyone agree with this?
Your wording could read "...once the (BC) non-pivot foot
is lifted ,it may not be returned to the backcourt without violating. (Holding the ball is assumed)