Originally Posted by just another ref
Emotions, my foot. Some of them people in Jaws got injured bad.
Remember when Brodie pulled the wrong end on the knot and the compressed air tanks rolled free? Hooper jumped his butt pretty good.
True story - A professional photographer who has done underwater work for Discovery and National Geographic lives here, locally. He arrived home from a Carolina Hurricanes game last month, prior to Christmas. As he got out of his car, he knocked over one of his dive tanks. The tank EXPLODED, blew out the wall that separated his garage from his house, and among other injuries, severed his hand above the wrist. They had to amputate his arm at the elbow. His wife, who was inside brushing her teeth, was also injured in the explosion.
Incredible, huh? Makes it easy to understand how Brodie blew the shark all to hell!