Originally posted by MN 3 Sport Ref
Originally posted by williebfree
Originally posted by firedoc
Also remember that ANY part of the boundary line is out of bounds.
IF A2 catches the ball as s/he is heading OOB a throw-in violation occurs if:
a.) the foot is located on (straddling in and out of bounds, or
b.) A2 has not, prior to the catch, established OOB status (catches ball while airborne jumping from the playing court).
Also note:
A2's foot (feet) must be completely OOB and remain there until A2 releases the ball onto the court, or passes to another legally OOB teammate. Contact with OOB line is legal, contact with the court prior to release is a violation. As indicated earlier, the ball must be released onto the court within the 5 seconds; regardless of all OOB ballhandling.
[Edited by williebfree on Jan 30th, 2003 at 03:57 PM]
Willie: Great concise clarification. Maybe you should write for the FED
One more tangent. We have established that legally OOB teammate1 may pass to legally OOB teammate2 when there are no spot restrictions. The question is can this pass be a bounce pass?? (touching and remaining OOB) Does defender 1 have the right to intercept this pass (while remaining IB) regardless if it is a bounce pass or not???
Obviously a bounce pass touching IB then caught by OOB teammate is OOB.
I have to say no since it is a delay of game warning if the D breaks the OOB plane and a T if they touch the ball. I don't see how it would be much different here. Now if they intercept the pass I will say they broke the plane first and just give a DOG warning.