Lexis-Nexis is a database, not a company running the background checks. I am sure that a private security company is doing that for ASA. Some paperwork would be required to transfer that information to the company. I am not overly concerned about it, although personal information should be reasonably guarded these days. Name and DOB should get that done. In ten years of law enforcement I have not had any problems identifying people by name and DOB. Name and DOB backed up with a valid state ID, such as a driver’s license would leave no doubt of whom you are. Your SS card is a requirement for a DL and thus previously verified by a state agency. I am not comfortable with anyone having my social security number, although I agree with the background checks. I do not want work with an umpire or have my daughter play on the field where the umpire is not of good moral character. Someone mentioned that crimes are usually committed by someone the victim knows and I agree with that, although getting to know someone could be a result of a casual encounter, such as a softball game.