Thread: Worst luck ever
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Old Wed Jan 12, 2011, 10:40am
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Originally Posted by representing View Post
OK, I'm going to try this one more time. JUST FOR CLARIFICATION...

I am NOT complaining about the game I lost due to the weather. I am complaining about the two games I lost due to one team of both games canceling out due to not enough players (injuries, educational suspensions, etc). Schools should be held accountable for non-weather situations causing a cancellation in games. That is all I am saying.
And we're saying you're wrong. I've lost games due to non-weather cancellations. It happens all the time around here when a school loses players for various issues (sickness, suspension, transfers, disinterest). Your proposal would mean schools with borderline numbers would simply decide to cancel their seasons before they started, just in case they lost a few players along the way. Why risk having to pay officials for games that might get cancelled if you lose two players off your team?
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