Thread: referee shirt
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Old Tue Jan 11, 2011, 10:45am
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Rich Rich is offline
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Originally Posted by offici88 View Post
Vinegar is the do-it-all in my house these days. Add some white vinegar to your next load and see if that helps. I've been using vinegar for my color and odor problems (works for Under Armour very well).
Vinegar is an excellent, cheap replacement for fabric softener. That blue stuff (I mean fabric softener like Downy) seems harmless enough, but it will ruin wicking material and it also will eventually clog the line out from the washer. We've used nothing but vinegar for the past few years after a washer repairman swore by it. We buy gallons of it at a time at Costco.

Cameron, I'll try the sport detergent, though, as I feel maybe the wicking material isn't wicking as well as I'd like. Do you foresee any problems using it for the entire uniform? I tend to wash my entire uniform (shirt, pants, undershirt, tights, socks) in one load and usually was no more than 2 uniforms at a time (I work at home and laundry is easy to do in the background).

Last edited by Rich; Tue Jan 11, 2011 at 12:18pm.
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