Originally posted by glt1958
A89 runs a route straight down the field. A88 lined up on same side of field takes two steps downfield turns in and blocks B26.
A: Before ball is thrown.
B: While ball is in flight to A89.
C: Ball thrown is uncatchable.
Ruling for National Federation of High School Rules (NFHS):
The way the play is written, it sounds like A88 initiated the contact. When the pass happens is of no consequence. A88 has commited Offensive PI. For a pass play, restrictions begin for the offense at the snap. NFHS rules do not have a catchability provision.
Ruling in all cases:
OPI. 15 yards from previous spot and loss of down.
ACK! Several people beat me to it!
[Edited by mikesears on Jan 28th, 2003 at 12:23 PM]