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Old Thu Dec 30, 2010, 12:26pm
stiffler3492 stiffler3492 is offline
I miss being on the floor
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Hartford, WI
Posts: 917
Originally Posted by RichMSN View Post
A piece of advice. You considered it success when the T wasn't issued. That implies that you consider it failure when the coach runs through the sign. It's not failure -- it's the coach's choice. Just cause I like to use other tools in the bag before I pull out the stop sign (it's the last possible step before a T, IMO) does not mean it's a failure on the part of the officials if the coach runs through it.

A technical foul is not failure. Those that tell you they haven't called one in 20 years are likely spineless officials who've ignored their responsibilities. Coaches are human beings and one thing that's true is that you don't work 50+ games a season without at least a few coaches crossing the line. Enforce and move on. Do like I do and try to figure out if there was a better way to deal with the situation. My main problem with last night is that I felt I gave way too much rope -- had I warned earlier, maybe the coach would've gotten the message. Maybe not. Still thinking about that one.
Thanks for the advice. That's how I see it. You put it into words better than I did.
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