Originally Posted by just another ref
Even though he is now bench personnel, the foul is charged to the individual, not a team T. It also counts as a team foul toward the bonus and toward his 5 for disqualification.
And is an indirect T on the HC as well, as SoMoRef said in his OP.
Just as a point of reference, a bench technical refers to an unsportsmanlike or other defined act under 10-4 committed by bench personnel. If any team member or other bench personnel (i.e. AC, manager) commits an unsportsmanlike act, you charge the T directly to that person and an indirect to the HC - see penalty section for articles 1-4 under 10-4. Scorer should record it per 2-11-5.
If it's a team member, it counts towards their 2T/5 total foul limit. A single flagrant foul or the second technical foul charged directly to any bench personnel, results in disqualification of the offender. Ejected adult bench personnel shall leave the vicinity (out of sight and sound) of the playing area immediately and are prohibited from any further contact (direct or indirect) with the team during the remainder of the game. If it's a student, they remain on the bench.
See 4-34 for relevant definitions....