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Old Thu Dec 23, 2010, 06:08pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee View Post
If you're talking about that "roll over" thread, that one was an interpretation of rules language. We disagreed on the interpretation of what constitutes a "roll" and we still do. And we probably will until the FED issues something on it (if ever). Is that what you're talking about?

This thread is different. There is just no rules language that I know of that says you can't bring the subs in immediately after reporting the personal and technical fouls. And 3-3-01(d) says you can.
Yes, but there's no language to interpret in the traveling case play. The ruling in 4.44.5B says a player who is on the floor, holding the ball, can pass, shoot, start a dribble, request a time-out or sit up if he's on his back. Those are the ONLY things the ruling says the player CAN do.

Further, it specifically says that he can sit up if he's flat out his back. So why wouldn't the ruling include that he could roll to his side if it was allowed? Why would it tell us one thing he can do but ignore another if it was allowed?

I guess we can imagine. Mr. FED says, "Well, actually he can sit up if he's on his back and he can roll to his side but we just decided not to include that part in the ruling."

Sorry Woddy but that makes no sense. If he were allowed to roll to his side, they would have included that with the sitting up statement.

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