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Old Sun Dec 19, 2010, 04:21am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by Whistles & Stripes View Post
Had something interesting happen today.

Girls varsity game. About 5 minutes left in the 2nd quarter. "Visiting" team is up about 12 or 14 points. They are pressing, albeit a pretty weak press. First line of defense really is set at the top of the key and they are running a trap. "Home" team can't handle it very well though and is getting pretty frustrated with it. After V scores, Home HEad Coach stands up and tells his player throwing the ball in to throw it straight to the other team, which she does, and it results in an easy layup. I didn't catch on right away, but then he did it again. She complies again.

How would you handle this situation? I'll fill in the rest of the details after a little discussion.
Given that the coach is instructing them to do so (not not that the other team is stealing the ball) one team has clearly decided to no longer play the game and is basically surrendering. After 3-4 times, I might have a brief word with the home coach regarding ending the game. I might even just call it off without consulting the coach. That is not basketball and he's making a mockery of the game.
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