Wed Dec 08, 2010, 10:18am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Cheyenne, wyoming
Posts: 1,493
Originally Posted by wyo-referee
I use just UA cold weather top and bottoms with the windstopper shirt and black pants. If it's really cold wear the open face mask to keep your head, ears and neck warm and nice pair of gloves that you can write, handle your beanbags, flags and throw and catch the ball. I use the NFL gloves from Honig's. Stay active and keep moving and you'll be just fine. Spend the money and buy the nice stuff and again keep it simple, the fewer layers you wear the better you can preform. This is coming from an official that referees in wind, snow and temps in the teens or colder a few weeks every year.
what are you doing in this forum the indoor sport is in full swing  LOL
The officials lament, or the coaches excuses as it were: "I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was going to blame you"