Originally Posted by PIAA REF
He used the same as when you have to replace a player for not tucking in their shirt. You clear lane, player shoots. Opposing gets ball out if made can run baseline, if not can't run. THe player has to shoot the free-throws unless it is an injury. Same thing with jewlry. If a player has a earring in and it isn't noticed until they are shooting free-throws, you clear lane, shoot free-throws then replace player. I am leaning toward that you should do this for ANY illegal equipment.
Quit leaning. You're wrong. And you're also on the way to becoming an OOO of the highest magnitude.
In one of those case plays, the player deliberately untucked their shirt. Big difference.
Might be a very good idea for you to check with your local rules interpreter before deciding on how you're gonna handle the play. You may just find out that you're the only person in your time zone doing it that way. Not conducive to advancement up the food chain.