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Old Sun Dec 05, 2010, 11:50am
26 Year Gap 26 Year Gap is offline
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Originally Posted by BillyMac View Post
Similar topic. Boys varsity scrimmage yesterday. During a spot throwin defensive player yells at the throwiner (is this a real word?), "Three, Four, Five". He does this a few times. I'm thinking to myself, "Knock it off". After the period ends opposing coach asks me if this is illegal. I reply that this act, like "Dead, Dead, Dead", and "Ball, Ball, Ball", really isn't against the rules, unless it gets way, way, way, out of hand. He accepts my explanation.

A few periods later we see the same team and same player using the same tactics. Remember now, it's only a scrimmage. So I decide to blow my whistle and go over to quietly talk to the player. "Son. I really wish that you would stop doing that. I'm sure that, technically, it's not against the rules, but at some point it may become unsporting, or may try to influence my count, so please stop doing that". Kid says "No problem". His coach asks for an explanation, which I give, to which he replies, "OK. No problem".

Don't you just love stories with happy endings? No technical fouls, just a bunch of kids playing basketball in a gym on a cold Saturday afternoon. Just the way God intended it.
Had this last summer. I simply went to the coach and let him know that I would be the one to count, not his player. He told the player to stop doing it, and we had no further issues with it.
Never hit a piņata if you see hornets flying out of it.
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