Originally Posted by stiffler3492
Your eyes didn't fool you. Both the C and T whistled. I was coming to post on this same subject, but with a different question.
Obviously the rule set is NCAA-M.
Team A inbounds the ball just after a made basket. One second ticks off the shot clock before Team A is granted a time out. When they come back from time out, 34 seconds is still showing on the shot clock.
When the shot clock gets down to 25 (this is according to the TV graphics), the officials whistle a 10 second violation.
Is it the rule in NCAAM that the 10 second count resumes from where it left off coming out of a timeout? Or was this a TV graphics mix up?
The officials got together for a second before they gave it to Team B to inbound, but maybe that was the T telling the C to back off.
In both college and high school, the count does not resume after a dead ball.
This is different than the NBA rule where a team has 8 seconds flat to advance the ball. There are a few situations where the count is reset but assuming those don't happen, 8 is all you get.
Chaos isn't a pit. Chaos is a ladder. Many who try to climb it fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them. And some, given a chance to climb, they refuse. They cling to the realm, or the gods, or love. Illusions.
Only the ladder is real. The climb is all there is.