I guess I need help with this one. Let's start with 4-23-2a & b:
To obtain an initial legal guarding position:
a. The guard must have both feet touching the playing court.
b. The front of the guard's torso must be facing the opponent.
Please help me understand how a player lying on the floor obtained legal guarding position. If your point is that LGP doesn't apply, how do you jibe the resulting fall of A2 with 10-6-1:
A player shall not hold, push, charge, trip or impede the progress of an opponent by extending arm(s), shoulder(s), hip(s) or knee(s), or by bending his/her body into other than a normal position; nor use any rough tactics.
Is lying on the floor considered a "normal position?"
The original posting didn't indicate if B1 had obtaining legal guarding position before falling after the block attempt. That's one scenario that I might see LGP applying, but I don't think that was the point of the post.
This was a point of emphasis for our association this year and was a question on our test if I recall correctly. The conclusion reached is that this is a foul on B1.