Originally Posted by johnyd
THe ball is in the back court, and then passed to a player A2 who is in the air jumping from front to back court. But he cathes the ball in the backcourt so that the ball never crosses half court.
Would 2 feet and the ball apply in this case?
Don't overcomplicate this call. The position of the ball is determined, ruleswise. by where it last touched a player or the floor. Regardless of the ball's location during flight, in this case the ball retains backcourt status. Since the player jumped from FC, he has FC status. When he caught the ball he imparted FC status and team control to the ball and became the last to touch the ball when it had FC status. When he landed in BC, the ball attained BC status and he was first to touch.
Net result:BACKCOURT violation. The rules are not concerned with the physical location of a ball in flight.
This little ditty applies to the ball and players as well:
"You are where you were til you get where you're going", sung to the tune of Inna-gadda-da-vida