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Old Sat Nov 27, 2010, 10:44pm
Scrapper1 Scrapper1 is offline
Lighten up, Francis.
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Originally Posted by jmwking View Post
You stated that "the backboard has nothing to do with goaltending". The NCAA (4-34.3) says "When the entire ball is above the level of the ring during a field-goal try and contacts the backboard, it is considered to be on its downward flight. In such a case, it is goaltending when the ball is touched by a player."
I take this to mean that touching the backboard has nothing to do with GT, which is true even at the college level. As BillyMac has it written here, I can understand how it could be confusing when considering the college rule. (But in fairness to Billy, I'm pretty sure he was only writing with NFHS rules in mind.)
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