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Old Thu Nov 25, 2010, 06:40pm
BktBallRef BktBallRef is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells View Post
Looking through 6-7 this morning, I noticed something. 6-7-5 says the ball becomes dead on an official's whistle unless the try is in flight. 6-7-7 tells us that the ball becomes dead on a foul unless it's by the opponent and a try has begun. The way I see it, a literal reading of this rule would cause the ball to become dead in the following scenario, thus nullifying a basket.

1. Try begins.
2. B1 fouls shooter.
3. official blows whistle.
4. Try released.
Why do you think the whistle causes the ball to become dead?

"6-7-7 tells us that the ball becomes dead on a foul unless it's by the opponent and a try has begun."

#1 has the try beginning and #2 is the foul by the opponent. Therefore, the ball is not dead.

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