Originally Posted by Jurassic Referee
For a relatively new official(5 years or so, right?) who hasn't really broken into high school varsity ball yet, you sureashell try to come across as all-knowing when you get into discussions like this. .... usual you blithely motor on insisting that your personal flights of fancy HAVE to be correct.
Interesting perspective. I don't believe it to be my flights, though.
I asked a question here, to gather thoughts on something that didn't seem right to me. Later, I found the answer, a citation, and a source. And in the end, my RefSchool contact said the answer in the software was indeed erroneous. Problem solved.
Snaq, I think you're right about "reading too much into it." It's one simple question, folks, and on a test, a rookie gets the same amount of points as a veteran.