Originally Posted by tref
Assignor: What happened out there? The tape clearly shows a foul!
Vet: I didnt see it...
Rookie: I saw it, the coach saw that I saw it but he told me in pregame to stay in my area & he would stay in his.
As an evaluator or someone that acts as a clinician in my state, I would ask a different question. I would ask the person that had the play in their primary "What did you see?" Then let them explain what they saw. They may have a very good reason why they did or did not make a call. Even if the rookie makes a call, does not mean they saw the entire play. They might have seen the second or third action which still would be wrong. And if they make a call out of their area, they better not miss anything in their area. So that "I saw the foul but we talked about that..." may not save you.