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Old Fri Nov 05, 2010, 01:57pm
kylejt kylejt is offline
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Sorry to be so offensive, but it's just a hobby for me too. I mean, it's just a game, for gosh sake.

Now, when I'm on the field, I take my responsibilities seriously. I dress well, and act professionally. All the while realizing it's a game, played mostly by kids.

Perhaps taking into account what I do in my nine to five, umpirng is not that important in the big scheme of things. But everyone leads a different life, and things take a different priority to each individual. I know guys who's whole life revolves around umpring baseball games. That's cool. For me, it's down a ways on my list. Down in the hobby division with golf, riding motorcycles, and playing my Stratocaster really LOUD. Just because I get a few bucks to umpire doesn't bump it up the list any.

That said, I actually moved closer to where my bicycle racing team was headquarted years ago. So I guess my hobby influenced my choice of where to move. Good thing it was near the coast in San Diego, so when I retired from that hobby I was in a great spot.

Last edited by kylejt; Fri Nov 05, 2010 at 04:07pm.
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