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Old Tue Jan 21, 2003, 05:55pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by Hawks Coach
A2 is shooter, so continuous motion does not apply. In fact, if A1 releases pass while in air and hits B1, it is extremely unlikely that A1's pass reaches A2 for a catch and shoot before the contact. If this is going to be a foul either way, it happended before the shot unless we are on the moon.
Play (ignoring all the extra parts): A2 begins a try. Before the ball is released B1 fouls A1. A2's attempt goes through the basket.

Ruling: Continuous motion applies. Count the basket. Award A1 a 1-and-1, or A the ball for the throw in.

Continuous motion applies anytime the defense fouls once a try has begun. The shooter need not be fouled.

I knew I'd get someone on this; I didn't think it would be you.
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