Originally Posted by darkside
I don't believe the rules have to allow it. They have to "not allow" it to be illegal. And I can't find anywhere where a coach cannot do this between innings.
ASA rules do not allow a "free pass" on applying a foreign substance on the ball between innings.....
Rule 6 Section 6. Foreign Substance/Protective Wraps
A defensive player shall not at any time during the game be allowed to use any foreign substance on the ball.
So now just looking at the coach's actions, what would we do if during an inning a coach goes out for a conference with the pitcher and at the end of the conference spits on the ball rubs it up and hands it to the pitcher?
(a) Call an IP for applying a foreign substance to the ball?
(b) Do not call an IP because 6-6.A. only states that a defensive player cannot apply a foreign substance on the ball, and makes no reference to a coach doing it?
IMO the coach is violating the spirit of the rule and my gut says it's an IP, but I can't see where the rules would support my IP call.
FWIW, NCAA addresses it clearly:
10.13.2 No player or team personnel may apply moisture or a foreign substance to the ball or do anything else to deface the ball.
For the first offense, an illegal pitch shall be called as soon as the foreign substance touches the ball. On the second offense the pitcher shall be ejected.