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Old Fri Oct 29, 2010, 01:48am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
In this case, I agree, not an advantage. A more conventional format, perhaps, would be like the one in our state. You log in, click start, and you have one hour to answer the 60 questions on the test. A person who felt the need to verify almost every question in the books could obviously benefit tremendously from having the questions in advance of the start of this one hour allotted time period.
I do not know if that is more conventional. From what I understand the majority of the country took the test in a similar fashion as we used to. We took the paper copy and took the test and submitted our answers over a period of time. The NF test is 100 questions, not 60 and we had to answer them all. Now if your state decided to come up with another method that is fine. But I do not believe that was similar to others across the country. And many states that did not take the NF test, created their own. My point is not everyone asking for a copy (like I would) has a nefarious reason to want a copy. I want a copy just to see what they are asking. Our state created their own and is not in a T/F format. So that test will do me no good except to learn what is being asked by the NF.

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