1. I think you miss the point when I say "many". I am NOT saying "all". I said I am one of those people and there ARE many others like that. They quit watching after their team is eliminated. I did NOT say "all" stop watching and I did NOT say "most". Again, NCAA tournament and NFL playoffs, each game features 2 DIFFERENT teams playing each other each day. The playoffs feature the SAME 2 each game and is overly drawn out. Many can attest to that b/c many were/are against the DS now. Many, not most and not all and I am one of them. I don't even watch until it gets to the LCS.
2. I can go on and on with names as well. Why, b/c I want to watch the game. Could it be b/c I like watching it and you don't? Maybe. But, I can do the same so who cares how many you can name off. People can do the same for Soccer, Basketball, NASCAR, and even bull riding. Why? B/c that is what they are into.
3. Marketing won't change a thing if YOU don't want to watch it. If CC becomes a household name, it won't change any viewers if the viewers don't want to sit through 3 hours of it. Marketing helps but only to a certain extent.
4. This comment "I will comment on the game all I want to. If you do not like others saying why they do not like the sport as much, you are just going to have to deal with it." is ridiculous at the least. What you quoted has nothing to do with this at all. And, I said nothing of the sort like this. Not even in what you quoted. I never said anything about those who "complain" about the game. Watch it, don't watch it. Comment, don't comment. I don't care.
5. Marketing helps to draw attention but is not the final answer. I can agree to "when" the games should start to help keep from losing viewers at 12 am. But, if a viewer(regardless of how much marketing is done) has no interest to watch a 3 hour game, then it doesn't matter if it started at 3 pm.
6. Everything you say about the football players, I know nothing about. WHY? B/c I don't care to watch it or know their names. WHY? B/c that is my PERSONAL preference. Which is the MAIN problem and at least, I am acknowledging that. Others on this thread seem to be avoiding that issue they seem to have with baseball games. In fact, I know of maybe half of the ones you listed. I couldn't care less for any of them. WHY? PERSONAL preference and that I like baseball more. NOT b/c of marketing.
7. Most of this, if not all of it, is a personal preference. Bottom line. Either you like it or you don't. Kids know about the game. Adults know about it as well. They know where they can go to watch it. It isn't a kept secret. Either you can sit through the game or you can't. Again, marketing helps but won't change a person's PERSONAL preference.
8. Oh, and they seem to be doing pretty well. As long as people watch, what is there to fix? TBS and FOX carried the games. Paid a lot of money for them too, I'm sure. Seems like there is a lot of money being made and is keeping the game on the TV. It appears they have been doing well. So, what is there to fix? Plenty of "dials" are staying where these companies want them to be. Wonder why? Many, not most or all, want the game on TV and are watching it.
Question everything until you get an irrefutable or understandable answer...Don't settle for "That's Just the Way it is"