Ahhhhh (lightbulb comes on)...
EDIT: I found this thread that I did not see when I searched earlier for my answer.
Copy of the NFHS Test (no not the answers)
On that particular day, I guess folks weren't so pissy and the following answer was provided:
Originally Posted by rsl
Since you are from Utah, and in Utah the test is open book with essentially unlimited time, your request is reasonable.
However, that is not the case in other states and usually this kind of request will get some harsh replies from this forum.
The Salt lake chapter usually makes a copy of the exam available to its members to help them study. It is not available yet, and won't be until the official testing period starts in Utah.
Send me a message when the test is available online and I'll see if I have by then.
Since ignorance is no excuse for violating the forum code of honor I sentence myself to seven hours of reading Chseagle threads.