I've been contimplating getting a big Diamond bag all Summer. I've been carrying all my crap in a couple sports bags since I started umpiring - one for the gear and one for the clothes. I was ready to caugh up the $160 for the Diamong bag till this weekend's camp. One of the guys had a bag from Pro-Nine that looked dead on the Diamond bag. I asked him about it - $59.00!! He got it from Pronine.com 's close out section. There is something in there about being factory seconds but I looked at his bag and it looked pretty good to me. The web site has a 1800 number you can call. The shipping is high because the bag is so big but I got mine today shipping and all for $84.00.
I'm not getting anything from Pro-Nine for this plug, unless they offer me something
, just thought I'd give a heads up for those who might need a bag.